
Get ready for every season with Uthara Print's exceptional seasonal products printing services in the UK. From calendars and greeting cards to Christmas cards and more, we offer a vast range of high-quality options. Experience our 24/7 print consultancy support, enjoy free artwork and delivery, and save 25% on all printing products. Don't wait any longer, visit us today to place your order!

Wall Calendars
Starting From £31.20
Personalise each calendar month with your favorite photos, memories and important dates and stay organised in style
business calendars are a great tried and tested marketing tool.

Calendars Shop Now

Desk Calendars
Starting From £53.75
High quality Desk Calendars
desk calendars have 13 pages and can be printed with your original design! At utharaprint

Calendars Shop Now

CD Case Calendars
Starting From £40.30
A CD Case calendar to brighten your workspace in 2023.
Each month is decorated with my original, colourful illustrations

Calendars Shop Now

Wall Planners
Starting From £33.80
Wall planners are an essential workplace tool, providing an effective way of organising the office
range of paper stocks and sizes.

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Printed Pen Pots
Starting From £230.40
Printed pen pots are functional and aesthetically pleasing desk organizers designed to hold pens, pencils, and other stationery items.

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Advent Calendars- Landscape
Starting From £225.00
Get ready for the most wonderful time of the year with our exclusive Small Landscape Advent Calendars!

Calendars Shop Now

Need Help with Design

Let us create your brand image!

Order design in 3 easy steps and save £££'s on artwork services. Let our professional designers do the artwork creation to your brief. We have a state of the art studio to convert great ideas into unforgettable memories to your customers. Our designers will create something you`ll love.

Order Your Custom Design Now!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Calendars can help you keep track of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and goals. They can aid in visualising your calendar and serve as a reminder of important events such as holidays and vacation time.

There are now four significant calendars we offer. The Desk Calendars, CD Case Calendars, Wall Calendars, and Wall Planners are among them with your own customisation.

Paper: Use a front cover of 130gsm or 250gsm silk paper. Featuring an interior page printed on 130gsm silk paper on 12leaf.

No. For personalised desk calendars, we do not offer coatings or laminate. Either option makes writing on your calendars quite tough.

Yes. Templated layout guides for various calendar sizes are available on the website.
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